
Nothing is more magical or miraculous than the birth of a baby.  And the journey to that OMG moment may be one of the most challenging undertakings of your life.

Every mother has been down the path, and now it’s your turn.  All you need is a little wisdom of the ages to guide, some medical knowledge if things go slightly off track and support of those who have been there before.

I first started working with pregnant women after my son was born in 1975.  I set up the Natural Birth Centre at the Montreal Youth Clinic and, over the next few years, accompanied approximate 50 couples to the hospital for their births (this was before the term ‘doula’ was ever used).  At that time, every woman had an episiotomy, an enema and shaved pubic hair.  Fetal heart monitors were new on the scene (and breaking down constantly) and doctors were encouraging women to stay strapped to them throughout the entire labour.

30 years later, I’m back on the hospital scene.  I wish I could say, categorically, that things have changed for the better.  Some things have:  episiotomies are no longer routine, intermittent monitoring is acceptable, babies are given to their mothers right after being born and “skin to skin” is not an outrageous concept.

But the caesarean rate is 3 times what it should be, epidurals are presented as a pain relief with no-side-effects, and there are way too many inductions because of the elusive “failure to progress”.

It’s encouraging to see midwives practicing “out in the open”, but discouraging to see so many clients on waiting lists, unable to have the birth of their choice.

While I was out of the scene and raising my children, I was under the illusion that women and hospitals were progressing toward a gentler, more supportive and natural approach to childbirth.

But there’s still a lot of work to do….  And I’m good for Round 2.

I offer prenatal courses – 4 sessions – for couples who are having their first baby and “top-up” sessions for those who are having a 2nd or 3rd but forgot the basics.  The courses can be with one or two couples depending on due dates.

I also have a library of books for pregnant couples looking for reading material.

I offer doula services for hospital-bound couples who would like someone with experience to accompany them through the process.  I will meet with the couple two or three times before the birth, be there through the labour experience and birth, then visit once after the baby is home to make sure breastfeeding is going well and the new family is getting used to being together.

Doula clients can also take advantage of my lending library.